Thursday, December 15, 2011

1952 Marlin 30-30 vs. Old Buck

Franklin County buck....for Thanksgiving weekend.  Taken with an old Marlin 30-30.
17.5" outside spread.  Buck measured 52" long, and 42" tall from ground to back.
Buck was 52' long and 42' tall from foot to back, and 22' neck behind the ears.
This is a decent 8-point buck for the areas I hunt.  We can only hunt the potential
in our areas, and if a 100 class is the best...then it is what it is.
150 gr. Federal 30-30 does the trick.
150 gr. Federal 30-30 round taken from buck.

1952 Marlin 30-30 vs. Old Buck

Caught this buck half-stepping Saturday evening, and dropped him in his tracks with a neck shot at 84 yards. Thanks to the man above for giving the opportunity.

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